It’s been a very busy couple of weeks but I’ve been able to work on projects I love, so I’m happy!
New gig: Acting Editor at Resource Travel
This month, while Resource Travel‘s Editor-in-Chief Michael Bonocore is on assignment in Cuba, I’m stepping as Acting Editor. I still work full time, have other travel writing commitments, including a major print deadline and had 15 hours of French classes, so it has been a very challenging but very rewarding week. Excited to see what the rest of the month holds!
On that note, I’m also in charge of their Instagram this week. To be featured, #ResourceTravel on your best travel photos!
Cats at the Regent Theatre
In the midst of an insanely busy week, seeing Cats at the Regent Theatre was a welcome break. I couldn’t check my phone for two hours and unlike at the movies, I was away from a screen. Delta Goodrem absolutely nailed it as Grizzabella, the old cat who sings the production’s most famous song, Memory. I’d never found the song to be particularly moving, until I heard Delta belt it out on Thursday night. Get tickets if you can!
Exploring Port Melbourne
I’d heard so little about Port Melbourne, that I assumed it was still mostly industrial. I’ve gone for brunch there the last two weekends in a row, walking down to the beach afterwards and checking out the many shops, bars and cafes lining Bay Street.
Last weekend I had Cafe Lafayette’s famous Matcha Matcha Freakshake, which was all party on the top, and refreshing green tea inside the jar. This week we ate at Hurricane Handsome, which is one of my new favourite cafes because it has the fresh, breezy decor and somewhat healthy and creative menu I’ve come to expect from a Melbourne cafe, but without the pretension which usually comes with it.
One week French intensive
During the summer break between terms at Alliance Francaise, they run one-week intensive courses. There are three hours of classes per day after work, which is a great way to squeeze in an entire term into just one week! I feel really confident in my French and enjoyed the challenge of the faster pace, but I don’t think I’ll do an intensive again. I enjoy two hours of French class, but the third hour is a real battle. Usual term classes are two hours, which I really look forward to each week. My teacher was fantastic this week, but I still didn’t really look forward to class every evening. This was also because I was getting up ar 5am to get do four hours of editor duties before my day job begins, so by the end of the evening I was pretty wrecked.
I am really happy that I finish the week, especially as the level I completed has more grammar than most other levels. It was good to get it all done in one big go!
Link Love
All my reading this week has been on screens, or in a French textbook. I’ll spare you the finer points of bossing people around with the correct French grammar, but history buffs will geek out over these cool discoveries being dug up all over London, work-life jugglers will appreciate this article on work-life integration and pretty much everyone in the 21st century could use Timothy Egan’s advice for improving our 8 second attention spans.
This week you guys loved artist Tristan Eaton’s gorgeous mural of Audrey Hepburn, in Little Italy NYC. Follow me on Instagram to have a say in the photo of the week next week!
New posts
Did you know that my first (and only) Michelin-starred meal was a burger in New York? Also, for those in Melbourne, don’t miss the Andy Warhol – Ai Wei Wei exhibition at the NGV – these two titans of the art world are even better together.
This time last year, I finally got around to sharing one of my favourite things to do in Paris and was frantically preparing for the big move to Melbourne!
What have you been up to this week?

Hello! I’m an Australian travel blogger, living in Melbourne, Australia. I grew up in Brisbane, studied in Paris, lived & worked in New York City and now live in Melbourne, Australia.
I love sharing specific and useful recommendations, itineraries and guides for the most beautiful things to see, do, experience & eat wherever I go.
My favourite travel destinations are Australia, New York City & surrounds, France, Greece & Japan, but I’m always excited to explore somewhere new!
The Wanderbug is reader supported. This site may contain links to affiliate websites, which means when you buy through links on this site I may receive a small affiliate commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
My goodness I don’t know how you got that all done this week and still squeezed in some blogging! I’m definitely not using my time to its full potential. 🙂
I hope things settle down and you get a little break soon. Bonne chance et je vous souhaite une semaine fantastique!
Bonjour Genevieve! What have I been up to this week? 1. Beach, beach, beach in Noumea 2. Eating and drinking coconuts and 3. Sadly just returned to Australia this weekend. It is the end of holidays, and I’m starting work again but I feel so refreshed and energised from the time spent on the island with family and friends. Have a lovely week!
What a lovely week! I love the beaches in Noumea. Sounds idyllic! Hopefully you can find some time to escape to the beach in Australia too 🙂 Lovely to hear from you!