Boating on the Lake & Brunch at the Loeb Boathouse, Central Park

Summer is slowly fading in New York City, so I’m glad that I spent Sunday morning making the most of the clear blue skies and sunshine in Central Park. We hired a row boat on Central Park Lake, followed by brunch at the Loeb Boathouse. Hiring a row boat on Central Park Lake My boyfriend and I went to Central Park with three of his colleagues from … Continue reading Boating on the Lake & Brunch at the Loeb Boathouse, Central Park

Bryant Park, Midtown

Lunch in Bryant Park, New York City

I’ve only been in New York City for a few days and already I’m amazed by how many green lungs breathe life into the concrete jungle. Bryant Park is in the heart of Midtown, making it the perfect place to come up for air after the madness of Times Square. Bryant Park is a little pocket of green lawn, framed by towering, slender trees. It … Continue reading Lunch in Bryant Park, New York City

Winter in the Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne

A wintery weekend walk in the Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne was full of little surprises. First was the Spanish-style conservatory gardens, blissfully humid to keep the tropical plants and this transplanted Queenslander happy, right beside Captain Cook’s cottage, moved here from England. Behind it was a bright and breezy cafe where our table number was a playing card bearing a horoscope, the perfect place to … Continue reading Winter in the Fitzroy Gardens, Melbourne

Biting off more than we can chew in the Boboli Gardens

It had been a deliciously lazy day in Florence but by the late afternoon we felt that we should tick something else off our list. We were feeling fairly dusty, the aftermath of the night before which ended quite tellingly, at the most unlikely of places in such a foodie city – Florence’s golden arches. It was at the request of my friend, who works … Continue reading Biting off more than we can chew in the Boboli Gardens