Moat and Gold Dome of Invalides Paris

A Visit to Napoleon’s Tomb at L’Hotel des Invalides, Paris

The L’Hotel National des Invalides in Paris is a French military museum and memorial complex, as well as the final resting place of the Emperor Napoleon. A military museum is usually the last place you’d find me, but I was spending the morning with my Dad, whose passion for history is so infectious that he made it interesting. My sister, Georgie, had just returned from her student exchange program in Tours, a small town near the Loire Valley, so the three of us were catching up while doing some last minute sight-seeing.

L’Hotel des Invalides was built in the 17th century by “The Sun King” Louis XIV, who also built Versailles.  At 107 metres tall, the dome is one of the tallest buildings in Paris. It’s covered in six kilograms of gold leaf, making it easy to spot from all over the city.

Invalides from Eiffel TowerGold Dome of Hotel des Invalides Paris


Napoleon’s Tomb at L’Hotel des Invalides

The L’Hotel des Invalides was originally built as a place of religious worship, as the Eglise Saint Louis-des Invalides but after Napoleon died, King Louis-Phillipe decided to turn it into a tomb for the little emperor and other French war heroes. Napoleon died in exile on the island of St Helena, and wished to be buried in the banks of the Seine.

Napoleon’s tomb is below ground level, in a chamber directly underneath the centre of the dome. Napoleon’s sarcophagus is enormous, the outer casing is made of red quartzite, perched on a pillar of green granite. Like a set of Russian Babushka dolls, he is entombed by a series of six coffins, and what we see is only the outer layer. He is surrounded by dozens of statues representing his various victories and he is immortalised in a larger-than-life statue standing at 2.4 metres high.

Insides Invalides ParisNapoleon's Tomb at L'hotel des invalides parisInside Invalides ParisGold Dome of Invalides Paris History

The Musee de L’Armee at L’Hotel des Invalides

The site is also home to Musee de l’Armee, which is the largest military museum in the world.

We walked around the museum, which is full of military artefacts such as weapons and armour, and the occasional statue. I love how the statues in France are so full of human emotion, they look like they’re about to burst out of the marble.

The museum complex is surrounded by gardens, which are leftover from its days as a home for war veterans. I didn’t get too much of a look at the gardens in winter, but when I visited in summer they were beautiful.

Paris Hotel des Invalides ParisMusee de l'Armée Invalides ParisStatue at Musee de l'Armée Invalides ParisMusee de l'Armée Invalides Paris

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12 thoughts on “A Visit to Napoleon’s Tomb at L’Hotel des Invalides, Paris

  1. Yes! While I have never been to les Invalides, I have passed by it during my last visit in Paris. Looks beautiful, and I might consider checking it out, if I choose to return to Paris someday! 🙂

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