Brick Labyrinth

“You’re going to get lost in Venice regardless, so stick your map in your back pocket, forget about it and just wander.”

Our tour manager couldn’t have been more right.

This was one of the narrowest alleyways we went down when we had lost ourselves in a seemingly deserted part of busy Venice.

The atmosphere changed completely as we walked around these eerily silent alleyways.

I’d give a more exact location, but even with our map I still had no idea where this was taken – fifteen minutes of exploring the alleyways of Venice and you’ll probably find it.

We didn’t see a single other person aside from a man in a long trench coat who was behind us one minute and in front of us the next. We wandered around for a little while, and enjoyed the tranquility of the quieter canals but before we knew it we’d been channeled back into a busy square.

This is what I love about Venice. Around every corner you are greeted by beauty, even after walking through the shadiest of alleyways. I spent all day lost in Venice and I have no doubt I’ll be lost all day if I go again with Chloe. My boyfriend informed me this morning that he knows his way around Venice relatively well now – it took him five trips there to achieve this though!

2 thoughts on “Brick Labyrinth

  1. I have a very similar story! On my trip to Venice, my group did the usual tourist-y stuff, touring the Doge’s palace, St. Mark’s Square, Bridge Of Sighs, gondola rides, checking out the impossibly attainable shopping stores nearby. Eventually we were left to our own devices, as long as we were back in 2 hours for the water taxi back to the mainland.
    Accompanied by Josh and Jason, we started diving into the back alleys and unseen spots further into the city, and we couldn’t be more in our element. Taking photos, getting lost so far deep into Venice, we were right in our element. In what seemed like no time, Jason checks his watch, and we suddenly realize we have about 20 minutes before the water taxi takes off and we get stranded. And we’re most severely lost, having absolutely NO CLUE as to where in the city we are.
    So basically it’s us running through what we THINK is the way we came, literallly grabbing Venetians and asking them what direction St. Mark’s Square would be, fully knowing that despite saying the location, they most likely can’t understand a damn word we’re saying. By the skin of our ass, we just barely make it back to the boat dock at St. Mark’s and make it home!
    I wouldn’t change it for anything. 😉

    1. Haha, sounds like Venice! It’s such a fantastic rabbit warren. Luckily every inch of it is incredibly picturesque, it makes getting lost that much more enjoyable. I’m just about to post more Venice pictures from my most recent visit – just when I thought Venice couldn’t be any more charming, it absolutely blew me away.

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