Venice: Home of the Masquerade

If you’re going to Venice, you’ll need to leave room in your suitcase and your wallet for a Venetian Carnivale mask (or twelve). You can buy them from street vendors but the most beautiful ones are in shops dotted around Venice. I have never seen so much beauty in one place. These small decorative porcelain masks were hanging on the door of a mask shop we went into looking for directions. Inside, the walls were covered in the most exquisite masks I have ever seen. In the corner at an old working table sat an elderly woman hand crafting a mask with her work piled up around her.I didn’t take photos inside out of respect, but I just want to go back! Rule of Venice: You can’t leave without a mask.

Venice is also known for its beautiful glass and lace. I bought some glass figurines for my grandparents and some lace for Nanna. Unfortunately I lost the lace on the next part of my trip. I would love to buy some glass this time but I have no idea how I’d carry it around safely!

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