Ladurée saves the day

It had been a long day. I’d been trekking all over Paris with my classmates. We had been walking around in what felt like circles for too long and everyone was getting a little tired. Maybe even a little tetchy. Once the novelty wears off, it becomes frustrating not knowing the streets or neighbourhoods you are wandering around in. We knew the streets closest to where we were living, but in St Germain we were totally lost. We wanted some food, or somewhere to sit down, or  even just somewhere to get out of the heat. Where is an ATM? Where is open today? Where are the cafes and restaurants? We were all tired and I can’t speak for the others, but I was getting over walking around in circles.

Until we stumbled upon Ladurée.

Laduree in Saint GermainIt was like walking into a small slice of paradise. Delicious mini desserts of all different kinds and an endless menu of macarons. The little sugar hit certainly sweetened me up ( as my mother would say) and the rest of the night was really fun.  We soon found a pub, had dinner, sampled their beers and some how won a pub trivia quiz, which meant a free shot for us all. We knew hardly any answers, but the surrounding tables were just copying everyone else, so we may have ‘accidentally’ leaked a few wrong answers. The dangerous of eavesdropping, eh?

When I got home, I found that the macarons I kept in my bag for later were completely crushed, to my horror. The lesson I’m taking from this is that you never wait to eat Ladurée . This conveniently spares you from the obligation to share.

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